Sunday, 20 December 2009

Well, H-e-l-l-o!

OK, first time blogger here!

There have been many a blog I've read over the past couple of years and have now decided it's time to share my experiences with the world! That and I hope it's a way of preserving memories.

What about me? I'm married, 30+ years old, work full-time in the much criticised world of banking and finance. I'm in retail banking - that's High Street banking to those who don't know - and it means I'm unleashed to the public. Oh, just realised what that insinuates! I didn't mean that I'm a ferocious animal that snaps at the public! (But I do wish that sometimes!) More like I'm vulnerable to all the weird and wonderful beings that are out there during banking hours!

I have creative streak that encompasses cooking (mainly baking, but of course the obligatory evening meal!); card-making; knitting; crochet; reading; sewing (just a beginner and not very good) and lastly gardening (only in fair weather mind - no need to be extreme here!).

My aim is to capture my successes and failures in what I create, cook and grow as a diary and reminder for myself as well as for others to learn (probably chuckle!). I hope you enjoy what I blog and don't beat me up too much if I don't add enough entries!